I feel like my world has been going non-stop since July. In addition to the trips to SC in both July and August, I went back down in September for a week and a half. Will was, once again, out of the country for a while and it was my sister's birthday so I loaded up my car (and most of my etsy shop) and drove to SC. I'm so glad I went, too. The day after I arrived, my Grandpa (he's 94!) had to have emergency surgery on his stomach. So, the days I was in SC were not filled with any of the things I had anticipated. Instead, it was a week-long blur of hospital visits, driving to Grandpa's house to help clean, going back to the hospital, etc. Very tiring! I'm happy to say that my Grandpa is doing remarkably well now and should fully recover!!
One night while I was in SC, Will and I were texting back and forth and I asked him what he thought about the Adirondacks. Silly boy thought I meant the chairs but I explained to him that I was talking about the region of NY and whether or not he'd be interested in going on vacation in a few weeks. He said he would and I spent the next two weeks scrambling to find a house to rent and doing research on the area.
We went up to NY Sunday a week ago and spent an entire week up there and I fell in love with the area. It was so quaint and charming. I loved all of the small towns with their general stores. We rented a cabin that was, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere! We had to drive a good 20 minutes just to get a signal on our cell phones. If we needed internet on our phones, that was about an hour away! The cabin had no electricity, although there were gas lights (which sucked, btw) but all in all, we had a great week. The weather was rainy most of the time and it was rather chilly, but the leaves, wow, those were amazing!!
Will and I both started dreading coming home to all the traffic and the noise and the crime and the congestion. For the entire week we were in NY we didn't hear/see a plane, didn't hear any sirens, didn't have to deal with traffic, didn't hear about any crime. It was so wonderful! And, to be honest, aside from the horrible lighting in the house we rented, it was perfect - didn't mind not having a tv or phone and by the end of the week, I was getting used to not having internet too!
So, now we're back home and trying to get unpacked, do laundry, put our fall decorations out, get our chimney inspected since it's crumbling(!!!) and get used to all the noise and traffic!
I have to get dinner started but I'm leaving you guys with some of my favorite pictures from last week. Hope you're all doing well!

oh my GOSH! the pictures are AWESOME! I can't imagine a week without electricity! It is depressing to come back to all the noise and garbage though isn't it? Thanks so much for visiting me today!
It sounds like you had an awesome time! I am going to have to go there for vacation one of these days!
I found you in the Etsy forums. My shop name is MadisonRoseVintage. I was wondering if Ikea still sells those pink boxes. I love them! I searched the Ikea website and couldn't find them. I now HAVE to have them!
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