And how fabulous was it for us Mid Atlantic people to finally have a white Christmas? I think it was pretty fab! And I've been lucky enough to have 2 White Christmases in a row now. Of course, last year in Jackson Hole, we had way more snow than this year in MD, but I won't complain about that!! I'm just happy that the 27" we received the Saturday prior lasted through the week. I'm not so happy that when the rains came on Saturday, that all of the snow melted and flooded our basement. Again. Oh, and I'm not so happy that the snow collapsed our canopy thing on our deck, but that was kind of our own stupidity for not taking it down before the snow started. When we woke up that morning to see it snowing, this is what greeted us as we looked out our back door onto our deck. Hahahahaha

And here is my cute little Schnoodle, Scarlett, and her Daddy-o:

She was having a blast in the snow. Well, until it got so deep that the only thing above the snow was her snout! Poor dogs were buried in the snow. Marty the Briard simply refused to go outside!
Look at Scarlett trying to walk through the snow. This was around 2:00 that afternoon. I'd say we received another 10 or 12 inches on top of that! Please ignore my voice! I don't think I sound like that in real life.
Here's Marty giving me that "you want me to go where?!?" face. lol He was not pleased when I forced him to go potty!! I'm not sure what his issue was this time because normally he loves the snow!

Here's what our house looked like when we first went outside that morning. So pretty!!

So, now all the snow is melted and Christmas is over. Will left today for a week. He's in the Virgin Islands and I know most people would be so jealous but I couldn't care less. lol I have zero desire to go anywhere hot & sunny. Give me cold & snow any day over sandy, hot, sunny places! I'm going to use this next week to hopefully get back to listing lots of vintage goodies in the shop. Perhaps I'll take a day trip or two to some places in PA or western MD. I may do a little antique shopping at some of the places around here. I might even go snow tubing one day! I'm quite looking forward to the solitude. I'm going to sleep when I'm tired and relax and maybe even eat junk food for breakfast and cereal for dinner!!
And finally, some pictures of the great new-to-me linens I've acquired in the last couple of months. Take a peek at all of this yummy goodness!!

That's just the tip of the iceberg. I have so many others I need to pull out of boxes and get ready to list!! It's kind of like Christmas morning all over again every time I go through the boxes and see all of these great linens!!
Wow! Lovely pictures! Great vintage goodies I see you have stocked up too!
Happy new year to you!
Loved the pictures! I live in southern Maryland where we only get 1-2 inches of snow a year and we got 14 inches that weekend! I'm off to check out your shop!
I love the cold and snow, too. You got a LOT!!
Awesome goodies!
Awww,I love the little boots on your dog! So cute =) We got about 8 inches here in Virginia.
Fresh and your photos and design....enjoy blogging during this frigid weather....come visit, Dianne
OMG those dog booties are TOO CUTE!
We had 26" of snow here (Hamilton, VA) which was fun for about a day. Then we got bored but happily a bunch of neighbors were able to walk over and join us for a few drinks!!
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