Anyhow, Will asked me on Friday if there was anything I wanted to do on Saturday and I mentioned to him that I'd LOVE to go to the DC Big Flea, if I was feeling better. That stupid cold/sinus thing knocked me flat on my youknowwhat last week. Luckily, I felt a bit better Saturday morning and we made the very long drive over to Chantilly, VA to the Big Flea.

Lemme just say that I was completely overwhelmed by all of the vintage goodness inside those two buildings. I'm one of those people that has to look at everything before I will buy anything, which doesn't bode well for this sort of place. lol Aside from the fact that someone else may snatch up whatever it is that I didn't buy right away, the place is so freakin huge that simply remembering where I saw something that I might be interested in buying is not very likely. Did I mention it was two huge buildings?
It took us 3 hours just to walk through the first building. Then we spent another 3 in the second building. Crazy. I was still not feeling 100% so by hour 5 I was just ready to go home. It's that point in my sickness where I have that annoying tickle in my throat that starts me on a coughing frenzy that lasts for 10 minutes unless I have something to drink. Ugh. Annoying. And that's what happened for the entire 6 hours we were at the Big Flea so yeah, that kind of sucked!
Oh, and I didn't know it until yesterday morning, but I was in Sue's booth twice! I didn't see her though so I wasn't sure it was even her booth but I saw the circus sign she blogged about here & it made me think of her & wonder if it was her booth. It was. I wish I had met her! Maybe next time though!!
The only things I purchased while at the big flea were 4 vintage cards from Patrice's adorable booth. I found the perfect card for my sister's birthday! I can't wait to send it to her. Patrice's booth was filled with tons of vintage linens & cards & all sorts of goodies.
I was hoping to go back to the Flea yesterday so I could do some more shopping but Will had to leave for a week long trip at 3:00 and I didn't have enough time to drive the 60+ miles to get to back to Chantilly. I'm definitely making plans to go again this summer though. Cannot wait!
And, last week while out picking up more cold medicine, I found this amazing magazine at Wal-Mart. I'd been looking for it & couldn't find it anywhere so when I saw 10 copies on the shelf at WM, I was quite tempted to buy them all! lol

I resisted that urge and only bought one copy and it was totally worth the $10 I paid for it! Love!!
So, today, I did something completely unusual for me - I stayed home. All. Day. No Value Village 25% off shopping. No errands. I just stayed home. And worked. And by work I mean sorting through a crapload of linens I've accumulated in the last 2 months & have neglected to list in the Etsy shop. Let's face it: February was a very gray, very cold month. It was impossible to get any decent pictures of the linens. So, I just kept accumulating stuff through the month and hoped that one day I'd have some decent sunlight in which to photograph my new goodies.
And that day was today. I woke up to the sun shining & birds chirping & knew what I had to do - I had to get busy playing catch up!! I'm sad to say that I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped. But, there's always tomorrow. I'm home alone again this week so that means I'll have plenty of time to do work. And clean. And organize. It's time for Spring Cleaning, ya know. And lemme tell ya, I have plenty of cleaning and organizing to keep me busy for probably THREE weeks. Hahaha
It's going to be an extra early night tonight. I was up until 3:00 this morning emailing back and forth with Will as he flew across the ocean! I love technology!! I was so sad about him leaving yesterday (stupid hormones!) so it was great being able to email all night long. I'm so looking forward to his new job in May. I'm thankful for his gainful employment but this lifestyle is just so taxing on me. I've held up quite well for the last 7 years but I'm definitely ready for a change of pace, which will include having him home every day and not having to spend weeks at a time worrying about his safety! Yay!!
And with that, it's time for me to force myself to go to sleep! lol As I mentioned, I have a ton of stuff I need to get done tomorrow so I can't pull another all-nighter. I'm too old for that nonsense! Goodnight, friends!
I am like you at FleaMarkets... having to go through everything before I start to buy. We have great ones here in NYC, but most are outdoors so we have to wait for the better weather. Can't wait.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Flea markets can be so much fun. My hubby and I have been doing a lot of thriftin lately.
I would have been so overwhelmed too! 6 hours is just too much- even for a vintage lover like me.
I need to pick up that magazine- so many blogs have mentioned the beautiful pics that are inside and the cool projects. I hope the Target by my house has it.
Your Blog is too cute- just love it- I am obsessed with the vintage- especially furniture- I cant turn a piece away- I would love to go to a big Flea Market like that..
Thank Your Hubby for us all- we appreciate the Military..
Karryann (Gracefully Vintage)
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