..and I freaking LOVE IT! It was definitely crisp outside this morning when I let the dogs out. Now, I will admit, crisp to me probably means something different than it does to you. Well, if you have lived in a place with 4 seasons your entire life anyhow. See, I spent 26 years of my life in SC where we only had 2 real seasons. Summer and almost summer. Haha! There were numerous times where it would be Christmas and still be warm enough to wear shorts. So, having moved to Maryland two years ago, I am thoroughly enjoying having 4 distinct seasons. I wish winter was a little more, well, winter-y with snow and whatnot, but it's still a very pleasant change from SC. I swear I can see some leaves starting to change color too. It's very slight but I can see it!
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. I wish I could just live in a place that was fall all the time. I have started putting out some of our Fall accessories around the house and I hope to get some mums planted soon. I think I need to call Merry Maids to give the house a good once-over because I am just not motivated at all to clean my house lately. I need to give it a good deep cleaning though so I can finish putting out all of the fall decorations.
Lately, I have been OBSESSING about a house Will and I put an offer in on last spring that we didn't get. I think about this house at least several times a day and I am feeling kind of heartbroken. I do like our current house but I really feel like we just settled because we were getting down to the wire as far as our lease was concerned and we'd already put offers on a couple of houses and didn't get them in the end. So, when we saw this house, we kind of jumped on it because we were just so burned out with looking and this place would work. The house I keep thinking about needed a lot of cosmetic work, but it was so huge and was on a couple of acres and I am just sad that we didn't end up moving in there. I do like the conveniences in the town where our current house is located. We're very close to a lot of things, including downtown Baltimore, so that's a nice perk. But the other house was out in the country and had so much room and I think that's the part I'm missing the most. I still feel like this house we're in now is just too small for us.
Now that I'm done having a pity party, I'll let you know about my fabulous time at the thrift stores yesterday. I was planning on going to the Ghetto Thrift on Tuesday but I forgot that we had to take the dogs to the vet for their yearly check-up that day. So, after the vet appointment, Will and I had to drive around and try to find matting for some prints we needed framed. The first AC Moore told us that if they had to order us any matting it would be over $100! They are obviously outta their freaking minds, especially considering I can buy it at Hobby Lobby for a couple of dollars. Never mind that we don't actually *have* any Hobby Lobby stores around here but I would rather wait until I'm back down in SC to pick some up at the HL in my parents town than to pay over $100 for some cardboard!
Anyhow, we drove to another AC Moore which is up above Baltimore and as we were leaving the first AC Moore, I found a new (to me anyhow!) thrift store. YAY!! It's a Value Village which is the name of the thrift store across from the base that I used to go to every week but is now too far away to justify driving to. Well, imagine my delight in seeing one that is only a couple of miles from my house!! Unfortunately, we were in a hurry and I didn't have time to stop but I knew I'd be back before the week was over.
And that's exactly what I did yesterday morning. I got up at a reasonable time and headed out to the Value Village. I should start using VV instead of having to type the whole name out. Man, how's that for lazy? Anyhow, this store is huge and so organized but the prices are kind of ridiculous on some items. I found a fabulous little wooden sewing box for $5 and saw a ton of milk glass stuff that I passed on. I think they have a sale on Monday's where everything is 25% off so that's going to be my regular day there!
Then yesterday afternoon after the husband got home from work, we had to run a couple of errands and I asked if he'd ride with me to the Ghetto Thrift (hereafter known as GT!) and bribed him into saying yes by offering to buy him a snowcone along the way! He agreed and even came inside with me! I get 25% off everyday at this thrift store so which day I go on doesn't really matter. I managed to spend 23$ and came home with two huge bags of stuff. I picked up 5 or 6 Blue's Clues VHS tapes for my niece. She's 19 months old and obsessed with Blue's Clues and it's impossible to find anything related to Blue's Clues in regular stores anymore. So, I bought those for her and they were only 75 cents each. Much cheaper than the ones my sister found on Ebay that had shipping costs of $40!! I also picked up the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown VHS for myself and I'm going to have Will burn it onto a DVD for me and then I'll send the tape down to my sister.
I also bought a cute little juice pitcher, one of those little chopper jars, a package of vintage napkins/coasters that have the Esso/Exxon Tiger on them but that tiger looks a lot like the Clemson tiger so I'll probably send the napkins to my sister since she's a huge Clemson fan. How come I never find any vintage Florida Gators items anywhere?!?
Well, the husband is gone for the day. He flew down to Tennessee for a couple of hours and I've been staying busy around the house. I'm currently sipping on some apple cider and trying to decide if I want to go back to the GT or not because as I was leaving yesterday afternoon, I noticed quite a few books that needed to come home with me but I could tell Will was beyond ready to leave so I didn't get them.
I'm thinking I need to go back, what do you think??