16 October 2008

Fall decorating

Man, I have really been out of touch lately. Every day I remind myself I need to come and blog, and more importantly, come and read some of my other favorite blogs but I just haven't found the time to do that.

So, the husband was off of work Monday, which was nice. But it also cut into my thrifting! Instead of going to the VV for 25% off day, we went to Home Depot where I purchased HUGE mums that were "damaged" and thus, dirt cheap. We came home and planted them, I deadheaded the ones that needed it and now they look fabulous again and I'm so glad we didn't pay full price!

Last weekend was spent much the same way as Monday. We did some work in the yard, decorated the porch for Autumn and pulled out some of our Halloween decorations for the yard too. Of course we'll have to bring all of this stuff back inside next Wednesday when we leave for our little trip down to the mountains of Tennessee.

In addition to trying to get all of my stuff ready for our trip next week, I also have to go shopping either today or tomorrow and find something to wear on Saturday, when we go on our little WHITE HOUSE TOUR! Evidently it's some sort of "Friends and Family" tour and not just the regular old tour the average Joe gets to take. And we have to get sort of dressed up. And I don't really own anything "dressy" so I need to go shopping and buy something. I'm hoping the weather cooperates and it doesn't rain and it isn't hot. We were supposed to take this tour in July before our trip to Wyoming but everyone was so busy that it got pushed back. And I'm glad it did because I didn't want to be schlepping around DC in July with 100% humidity, trying to look "dressy".

Well, that's about it for now. Here are some pictures of the fall decorations.

front porch


bigassmums 009

These pictures are CRAP but I haven't gotten around to taking better ones yet. Maybe I can do that today!

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